Quite a few reasons may cause your garage door not to operate smoothly or even straight out stop working. To help you recognize your situation and make the decision to repair or replace part of or the whole door, here is a clear guide.
Garage doors
It’s common to think of the garage as a place where young children should not be left alone. And that’s wise as well. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t make it safe enough so that the kids can use this place to have fun playing hockey or riding their tricycle.
It’s becoming increasingly popular to turn a part of our backyards into an area just as inviting as our living room while being sheltered from cooler temperatures, if need be. This way, we can extend those comfortable summer evenings longer, or even throughout the year, enjoying a hot tub, pool, or just taking in the beauty of nature.
If you’ve recently been thinking to yourself: “I do hate having to open my big garage door every time I want to get my hammer out… What if I could install a smaller access door to make my life easier?”You’re in the right place.
Replacing your old garage door system can completely change the appearance of your garage and bring undeniable advantages to your home. Here are at least 9 valuable reasons for replacing your old garage door with a new one.
Have you ever considered all the work you require from your garage door? We evaluated some of the performance challenges that garage doors are subject to, ones that most owners have never thought about. There is a good chance you’ll never look at your garage door the same after reading this blog. As well, you will understand the necessity to invest in a quality product and its
Wondering if it’s really worth it to insulate and heat your garage? Are there building standards that force us to do it? Not really… Some government organizations will tell you that for a house with an attached garage, the common walls must have a certain R-value, and if there is a room over the garage, a certain R-value for the ceiling. And for the other walls? The garage door? Nothing! And for a detached garage, there are no rules to follow
Whether building a new garage, renovating a current garage or thinking about altering a garage door opening, there are a few design and ergonomic elements to consider. Most importantly is the decision between one large double garage door or two smaller single garage doors.
By now, most of us realize that reducing our carbon footprint means getting firm control over our use of non-sustainable resources, like home heating oil or energy used to cool a home. This means we can each do something to halt climate change by simply opting for more sustainable practices. With that in mind, we encourage you to read on and discover what “R-value” means and why the R-value of your garage door is important.